Social Security Workers Vex With Management |
Tue, August 18, 2015 |
Collective bargaining negotiations have started between the Social Security Board and its Staff. But things took a sour note this weekend when the staff shot one across the bow at management and the Board of Directors. The occasion was a staff day at Royal Palm Resort - which should have been for light and lively recreation. Management had everyone outfitted in t-shirts which were emblazoned with the theme "Set to Go", a reference to the SSB's ongoing management transformation process. But workers had their own message for management, which they printed on the backs of their shirts; it said, "United For A Raise."
Apparently, workers are upset because they submitted their collective bargaining proposals and the Board of Directors shot down almost every proposal. The staff is asking for a 12% annual raise for three years, an increase in the weeks of leave to 7 for senior staff, and 6 for junior staff, and an increase in sick days leave from 17 to 29, among many other proposals. The management has rejected almost every single proposal made by staff. Both sides were to meet today, but the meeting was postponed.