And so while there's going to be a protest note, and a meeting at the OAS in Washington, ultimately the BDF has the job of maintaining sovereignty in
the Sarstoon. But they also have to ensure citizen security – and that's why they have been bashed for keeping their distance when the Guatemalan Navy
was bullying Belizeans on the Sarstoon. General Jones said that the military wanted to be there, but that instead of providing security, their presence
would have had the opposite effect:
Brig. General David Jones - Commander, BDF
"We understand what Guatemala's position is. We know what our position is; and if we had our military forces out there, of course, we're patriotic as
well. You cannot question the patriotism of any of our soldiers because they stand ready to defend Belize and they will continue to do so. Had we been
out there; of course we would have not liked to watch our civilians being bullied by any force. We would have wanted to defend them and we would have
defended them. But it would have resulted, inevitably to gun fire; and they were women and children out there and civilians out there. So we took the
prudent view and not send the military out there for such a trek; because we had advised them not to. And that is still our stance."
Admiral John Borland - Commander, Belize National Coast Guard
"Military to military engagement when both military are on operations and on patrol can be contained, can be averted between the protocols that exist
between both militaries. When we have civilians in the middle, then that is an area where we might not be able to control the action of our opposite
forces. And therefore, the reason why, one of the reasons why the military was not in that expedition on an escort or security role."
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"I have already described the tension and volatility inherent in the situation of our active dispute with Guatemala over the Sarstoon River. It gives
rise to regular confrontations and standoffs between our military and theirs, which thankfully so far have not erupted into any exchange of fire. That
must in some measure be the result of the training and ability as well as the bravery of our troops."