On last week Wednesday, we told you about the forums held by the Belize City business community and Mayor Darrell Bradley's administration to discuss how to fix what is broken with tax regime of the city.
As we told you, the Mayor's plan is at the initial stage to give all tax payers a 50% reduction in the short term. That's while the task force set up to deal with this issue can come up with solutions to overhaul the entire system.
Well, PUP's Kareem Musa, the Opposition's standard bearer for Caribbean Shores, takes issues with the tax break. Musa claims to be representing the sentiments of tax payers in Caribbean Shores, and as viewers know very well, he's Bradley's political opponent in that constituency. He says that he's been going around to the voters in the area, and the urgent concerns of those who've spoken to him is that the tax system is uneven in the way it is assessed. And so, those residents and business owners from that area say that they are paying higher taxes than the other 9 constituencies in the city.
Now, we're no expert on taxes, but what we are told that the assessment is based on the rental value, and since Caribbean Shores has a higher rental value than the rest of the city, that's the reason why their taxes are higher. But, Musa says there is more to it than that, and here's how he explained the issue to us on Tuesday:
Kareem Musa, PUP Std. Bearer - Caribbean Shores
"Over the last 3 years we have seen a sharp increase in both taxes. We heard the mayor having a forum about contemplating reduce the percentage. But he did not have a forum when it was time to increase the taxes and it increased significantly. So, over the years you have seen that increase, not only because of the 25% but because of the assortment. That is the glitch in the whole thing and if he really wants to do us a favor in Caribbean Shores, take back the taxes to where they were 3 years ago. Take back the taxes to where they were and remove the illegal burden that he has now placed on the individuals who cannot get their driver's license, who cannot get their vehicles license, because that is illegal. That is unconstitutional. Even his own Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Attorney General said that is illegal. So if he wants to do us a favor, take us back. Back to the taxes to where they were and remove that burden."
Daniel Ortiz
"What if they take the view that those assessments were valid at that time but they are making sure that there isn't sort of hanky-panky going forward. Isn't that also a good move?"
Kareem Musa
"The thing is that I have not heard that coming from the Mayor's mouth. He has not said that they would review the assessment at all."
Daniel Ortiz
"I can tell you that while listening to him, he has said that the whole system needs to be overhauled."
Kareem Musa
"And when will that be? Is this just lips service? Is this all a charade? Is this all an election gimmick? Because the next tax period is April and Mr. Mayor is going up for a seat in general elections come probably in November we are hearing. So is this all lips service? If you want to do us a favor, give us a rebate. Give the people of Caribbean Shores a rebate. We are paying the highest taxes in Belize City in Caribbean Shores. We are only one of ten divisions Daniel. But I am telling, we are paying almost 50% of the city's debt. Not only the 20 million dollars municipal bond, but also a 30 million dollars that has been borrowed from Petrocaribe. So Caribbean Shores is feeling the heat and I think that is why the Mayor is in a bit of a pickle, because he has miscalculate it. He is going to put himself up for office in a division that he has punished, that he has targeted with the highest taxes over the last 3 years. So, if he wants to do us a favor, take it back to where it was."
We met Mayor Bradley yesterday at the Prime Minister's Press conference and we asked him for a comment in response. He told us that he wasn't able to at that time because he would have to do some research to see if indeed Caribbean Shores was paying more than 50% of the City's entire taxes. He told us to get in touch with him today, and when we did, he did not respond. We'll try again tomorrow. |