And, while the entire National Security Ministry will get an upgrade, Eastern Division South has recently been given a 20 thousand dollar donation from the US Embassy in Belmopan. The money comes as from the US Embassy's Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) fund, and according Senior Superintendent Chester Williams, it will fund the creation of the Crime Analysis Pattern Unit. This new unit will be tasked to provide intelligence to Eastern Division South, which will lead to more targeted police operations. Williams explained it to us this morning:
Sr. Supt Chester Williams, OC - E.D. Southside
"We are the recipient today of a very handsome donation from the United States Embassy, the CARSI program, where we are receiving equipment for our crime analysis room. Effective next week, we will have established a crime analysis pattern unit within eastern division south and we hope to extend the work that is being done in that office to eastern division north. We will be looking at intelligence lead policing. So while we continue to work with people who want to work with us, we will continue to give them that leverage to live a peaceful life and those who wish to continue live the criminal life, we will pursue them methodically through the intelligence process. That will prevent us from going at people randomly, but rather to police more from an intelligence perspective. So that's another way that we want to go. We believe that the two most effective way of policing, are through community policing and intelligence lead policing. So if we can step up our intelligence policing methods, that too will assist us significantly in the fight against crime and we as I've said before do not think or would never expect that we can stop all crimes from happening. We are not naive. Even Singapore which is such a peaceful country do have crime. We will have crime, but what we want to do is through the efforts that we are doing to reduce the occurrences of crimes on Southside Belize City and if we can do it here then we believe that it will also trickle across the Northside."
"The donation, I believe values over $20,000 Belize dollars and that includes desks, computers, TV monitors, maps, printers, cameras and the purpose of the unit as I have said is to look at the intelligence aspect of our work."
According to Williams, there are some other pieces of equipment which haven't arrived as yet.