It is extremely rare to experience a complete loss of pressure to your water main. However- if this happens at your home, there are a number of possible causes - for example- trapped air- a burst main or service discontinuation…due to non-payment. And that is exactly what villagers in Maskall are experiencing after many refused to pay the 9 dollar flat rate for water supply. It's now two weeks since the entire village has been without of water. The village water system which is operated on electricity was cut off due to the fact that they cannot afford to pay the electricity bill. We found out more from the Water Board Chairman:
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Simply because the villagers don't want to pay. The fee is $9 per month, but the majority refused to pay. That ran up the bill to $1,200 to BEL. Is it going on for roughly 2-3 years, but this is the worst it has ever been."
Monica Bodden
"How many villagers household is hooked up to the water pump?"
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Roughly like 100 families."
Monica Bodden
"So every month that should be 100 x $9. But instead roughly how many families would come in and pay?"
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Sometimes 12, 17, the most would be 25 for the month."
Monica Bodden
"And so you cannot maintain the water system."
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Cannot maintain the water system, because roughly we need like $750 per month to maintain the water system. Because we pay like $400 plus to BEL, $200 for the maintenance man and $100 for the billing clerk and we are not collecting that money. Some say we are not getting water. Some say they are getting a little bit. Some getting from their neighbors. But as I explained if you are getting from the neighbor, you are still using the system, because it's the same system."
Monica Bodden
"And then you can't just cut them out."
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"No, because we don't have any meters and after the past years we cannot find the line to do the disconnection. Because if any standing pipes in the yard, you cut that off, the household still have water. So that wouldn't do the person anything."
Monica Bodden
"So that leads to cutting off the entire system."
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"To see if people would come in and pay that we can pay BEL, pay the maintenance and the clerk."
Monica Bodden
"And how long now has that system been cut off?"
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"The system been cut off for 10 days."
Monica Bodden
"And no improvement?"
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"About 17 families came in to pay. For roughly we collect 60 bills which is $540. The maintenance man got $200, $150 went to the Social Security Board."
Monica Bodden
"I understand you are also summons to court."
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"I went to court to pay Social Security for the maintenance man. Because sometimes I put in my money to help pay the electricity until I could get back my money then to keep the system going, but it's a waste of time, because I don't have money. The people are depending that the minister pays and I won't do that because you are using the system - you should pay. $9.00 is the least bill and most important bill here in Maskall. Because they find money for cable $45. They find to pay internet bill. They have to pay light bill - that is more than $9.00. So they just don't want to pay."
Monica Bodden
"I understand there is another water system that SIF is about to set up in the village."
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Oh yes."
Monica Bodden
"So how will that work out?"
Ilda Swift - Chairperson, Maskall Water Board
"Well that will have meter, so it will be better. We won't have that problem again and roughly it will start at $15 and per 3,000 gallons, then pay more after that."
The new water system is expected to be set up by the end of the year.