Two weeks ago, we broke the story of the rat that was found inside an incubator at the Western Regional Hospital - found, after it bit a newborn's toe. That story - just the details of it - is like an all time low. But, it gets worse; tonight we have video of that rat actually in the incubator. Now we warn you, many may find the video disgusting - and if you do, that's totally understandable; you can take a break for a few minutes. But we have decided to show it because it is so repugnant, and gut-churning; and, basically, it's our duty to show this kind of stuff so that EVERYTHING is done to make sure it doesn't happen again. So…here goes: the cell phone video of the rat being taken out of the incubator - we have altered the voices and obscured the faces to try and protect the health workers trying to get the rat out. Daniel Ortiz breaks it down:
Daniel Ortiz reporting
The video picks up with the nurses at Western Regional Hospital trying to remove the rat from the incubator.
By this time, the baby that was bitten had already been removed and placed elsewhere, and the nurses had tried a number of things to catch it. The reason the rat looks wet and somewhat dazed is because it had been doused in Sheltox in an attempt to kill it.
At this point, one of the nurses shoves her hand in to try to grab it by the tail, but she panicked when the rat slipped out of her gloved fingers. As you see, it is walking slowly and trying to find somewhere to hide from the human attention it's getting.
At this point, one of the nurses jams some sort of broomstick pole into the incubator to try to trap the rat, but even in it's poisoned state, it tries to flee.
The rat escapes out of the frame again, this time, trying to hide in another section of the incubator. But, the nurses are relentless.
Finally, one of the nurses manages to grab the tail of the rat, and she extracts it from the incubator.
They then proceed to club it with the broom stick to kill it.
The camera then focuses on the dead rat for the very last time, and the person with the camera moves away.
Very importantly, we stress that we did not get this video from anyone at the hospital - and we certainly hope that no punitive measures are taken against the person who did capture it.
As we have reported, the Public Health Department concluded that the rat slipped into the nursery through a small hole used for air conditioner piping. The hospital is 40 years old and was not outfitted for air conditioners, so when the piping is channeled in, the wall has to be broken. If it isn't sealed up tight - the rats get in. Public health also pointed out that since they have gotten the rats out of the pantry - they are probably looking around for food. 15 rats were exterminated at the hospital after the pantry scare.