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CEO Rejects Minister’s Suggestion That Rat Was Planted In Incubator
Thu, September 24, 2015
Now this issue with the vendors happened as a result of the rat that was found in the incubator. Since that appalling incident the hospital management and the Ministry have been on a full court press to get rats out of the hospital and its environs. But while the management is handling the situation with the vendors - it is still baffling how the rat got in the incubator in the first place. One week ago, when our colleagues at CTV3 interviewed Health Minister Pablo Marin - he made the very unsettling suggestion that someone might have put the rat in the incubator. Today we asked CEO Peter Allen about this, and he told us that's just unthinkable.

Dr. Peter Allen, CEO - Ministry of Health
"I certainly have heard the rumors of sabotage. I certainly have heard the rumors that there is some kind of campaign. From my perspective, let me say that we will focus on the issues. We will focus on the issues of the development of plans within the 30 million dollar grant. We will focus on the issues of correcting challenges that address the institution right now, because honestly I cannot comprehend that there is any patriotic Belizean who would so, shall we say bitter and twisted, as to possibly engaged in such slander and activities against the public hospital and against other care providers who do their best under difficult circumstances to provide care and treatment for our people."

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