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Mercury Levels In Macal Bay Snook Alarming
Mon, September 28, 2015
Mercury Levels in Bay Snook in the Macal River have tripled - and the Ministry of Health is saying you should not eat it! A public advisory was issued today. It says that 12 types of fish in the Macal River were tested. Of the twelve, 6 had mercury levels above the recommended level - but only three of those types of fishes are normally consumed by persons living in around the Macal River. These fish include the Bay Snook, Baca and Botasi - those three have elevated mercury levels.

Levels were highest in the Botasi, second highest in the Bay Snook - both species had approximately three times the recommended levels. The mercury levels in Baca were only slightly elevated.

But, the Bay Snook is the most concerning. Mercury levels have increased almost three times since the last test. That means that adults can only safely eat half an ounce per week - but to be safe the Ministry of Health says, you should not eat it at all, until further notice. Consumption of the Botasi and Baca should also be limited.

And while it is a dire warning, we strees that that the advisory only applies to Bay snook, Baca and Botasi caught in the Macal River.

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