Foreign Minister Speaks At UN; Draws Criticism |
Fri, October 2, 2015 |
Foreign Minister Wilfred Elrington addressed the 70th session of the United Nation's General Assembly today. And tonight, critics are saying he didn't say enough about the Belize - Guatemala territorial dispute. We'll get to that; but first, to what he did focus on - and that was climate change. More than half of Elrington;s speech was about the dire effects of climate change - calling it the most pressing threat to global security:..
And while he spoke about climate change for most of the speech - critics of the Foreign Minister say that he glossed over the Belize Guatemala issue. Both COLA and the PUP issued near simultaneous releases today pouncing on Elrington. The PUP criticizes him for mentioning the Special Agreement between Belize and Guatemala but notes, quote, "at no point during his speech, did Elrington ever say that there must first be referenda in Belize and Guatemala, in order to approve any such submission."
For its part, COLA criticizes Elrington for spending just a minute and nine seconds of his eighteen minute address speaking about the ongoing Belize-Guatemala dispute. They also criticize him for, quote, "fail(ing) to…properly internationalize the dispute."