Both mass parties launched their manifestos today – and the contrast in styles was telling. The PUP had its launch at its party headquarters, under
ceiling fans, while the UDP did theirs at the Biltmore's biggest conference room under air conditioning. The PUP launch lasted 21 minutes – and they
took no questions from the press, while the UDP's lasted 75 minutes, followed by a press conference. And the difference in styles showed for more than
just the event; it's also very visible in the document itself: the PUP's is a 10 page document with bullet points on matte paper, while the UDP's is 40
glossy pages, in magazine style.
Indeed a sharp contrast in every way – even in the kinds of promises offered. Here's what the PUP had to offer at their event:…
The PUP Candidates put their best faces forward this morning at Independence Hall - where the party has chosen to have every single public event was packed
shoulder to shoulder - a long way from the air conditioned conference rooms of the PUP's past:
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"Our party's challenges over the past decade have taught us many important lessons. the last 8 years in opposition, we believe have made us stronger,
have made us fairer and made us better people."
Better people – it's going to be tough to sell that to an electorate ware of repentant politicians:
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"I know that some of you continue to have serious doubts about political parties and politicians. You are uncertain about what choice to make on
November 4th. We understand, we respect that uncertainty."
And the PUP hopes to overcome that with a sterling set of promises:
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"Your next People's United Party government as a matter of urgency commits to the following. 1. Create 25,000 jobs 2. No to the ICJ 3. The roll out of
national health insurance countrywide 4. Free education from pre-school to 6th form 5. Free hold title to first time land owners at the age of 18 and
to reduce the cost of living; which has become so burdensome over the last 8 years under this UDP government. We will reduce the general sales tax from
12.5% back to 10%."
"We will move towards the abolition of income tax on all of our working people in our working class. We will also put in place an affordable housing
project that will provide quality housing, quality housing."
And how will they pay for all that?:
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"All of our commitments are based on sound analysis of the economy and the potential we believe the economy has for growth, so all of that was taken
into consideration."
Daniel Ortiz
"The issues of reducing taxes are not possible due to the financial short falls which would happen because of that. How would you answer?"
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"There will be an unleashing of investment under a PUP government that will grow the economy and create the foundation and environment to provide all
of these commitments."
And while there was plenty of the trademark fist pumping – Fonseca put a cap on it in a somewhat contrived moment of motivation:
Francis Fonseca - PUP Party Leader
"Power to the people, poder al pueblo!"