The Barrow Doctrine: Majority Über Alles |
Wed, October 21, 2015 |
In the last 15 years or so we've seen the rise of the so-called social partners – the unions, chamber, the churches and civil society. They've taken a
greater role in the senate on statutory Boards, vetting committees and other public interest bodies. And now there's a school of thought, which says
that these social partners should play an even greater role – taking on veto power and comprising majorities in certain bodies. It's all in the name of
transparency and oversight - and we've seen overtures from the PUP inviting this kind of inclusion. But, you won't see that form the UDP. Call it the
Barrow doctrine, but the UDP leader is a firm believer in the rule of the majority. Now, that idea is as old as parliamentary democracy – but the
Barrow doctrine makes it a hardline. Today in the post manifesto launch press conference, he said, don't get it twisted, in his house, the majority
always rules:…
Dean Barrow – UDP Party Leader
"Please, don't let us continue to suffer from this conceptual confusion. Don't get carried away and seek to disfigure, I'm using a very strong word;
disfigure our electoral democracy by insisting on a transfer of power from the elected majority to none elected people. It's not going to happen under
the UDP and we make no apologies for saying so because as I said; we are making it plain that we not only are open to scrutiny, we invite scrutiny. And
so we're prepared to give these people and enhanced roll in the scrutiny mechanisms that are provided for. But don't take it too far; don't use it to
try to confound the fact of the majority rule principle."