Guadalupe Magana Dyck is the UDP's candidate for Orange Walk South - and while the Blue Creek resident she hasn't been much in the news - her opponent, the current PUP Area Representative Jose Mai has emerged as a national figure, the man calling out for help for grain farmers in his divisions whose corn and soybean crops were destroyed by drought. But Magana Dyck has been doing her thing in the background - and she says that they have directly addressed the drought issue:..
Lupe Magana Dyck - UDP Candidate - OW South
"We had about almost over 100 farmers from Indian Creek and San Carlos and the meeting went pretty well. It was very open. They voice their concerns, they voice their issues and the government had been assisting them. If you been following we have gotten already 10 irrigation systems in for them tax exempted. So that is a big plus for them. At this point San Carlos and Indian Creek, the Ministry of Agriculture we had lobbied for them to work along with the farmers. Have a work plan schedule of what they are planting at the time and work with Belize Marketing Board so that there is no clash when those products are available. SO we have made a big step."
Jules Vasquez
"Now your opponent is agronomist and that he positions himself as you know Orange South is one of the big grain producers for the country, but your husband is a pre-eminent Mennonite farmer. Who then has the advantage with the farmers?"
Lupe Magana Dyck - UDP Candidate - OW South
"I will tell you my specialty is not agronomist. I've been a social worker, but I have been growing among the farmers. I've been there in the rice fields, I've been there on the different fields. On the weekends or when I am home, I am usually there when they are farming and they are cooking and they are looking, checking the plants, checking the fungus and so forth. So I've been there and I've been exposed to it."
Jules Vasquez
"History will suggest that it's unlikely you will beat Jose Mai, because when you are in opposition you can do no wrong. You just say blame the government, I don't get any resources. So then viewing by history, you are not likely to win Mrs. Magana."
Lupe Magana Dyck - UDP Candidate - OW South
"You are very wrong Jules. I am going to beat Jose Mai and I'll be victorious come November 4th. Like I tell you I might be a new comer in politics, but my social work background that I've been doing in the Orange Walk District and all those villages is a plus for me. I've been caring, I've been there with my people lobbying for their needs and plus I'll tell you, we had meeting with the farmers. We just had one meeting in Blue Creek just past Saturday and I met with them. They brought out their concerns, we are lobbying. We had a meeting with the Circle R rice farmer's couple of weeks ago with the Deputy Prime Minister and the CEO and we've listen to their concerns and we are lobbying and we are working along with them. So I don't think Jose Mai has a chance with me."