So what does Vega have to say about it? The UDP's so called boss of the north - who played his part in delivering five of eight seats for the UDP in the north - told us that indeed the Ministry of Natural Resources was tiring him. But that doesn't mean, he didn't want something else:...
Jules Vasquez
"You've been all the talk this weekend Mr. Deputy Prime Minister that you got huffed. That they took away he prize jewel from you. How do you feel about it?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
"I don't know Jules. Mixed emotions that that lands department has really put a toll on me. I think it has cheated me from giving more time to my constituency, as increase the pain in my back and its mixed emotions. I would be lying if I say something else."
Jules Vasquez
"Now, have you indicated to the Prime Minister that....?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
"Yes, because at times it was just too much with the colleagues and the peer pressure of the colleagues wanting to deliver more and more and the public and then yet everything watching at you like a hawk. So, it gets to you and there was a time that I said, you know PM, you can have this Lands Department."
Jules Vasquez
"Now right in this room last time I told you PUP have 5 of 8, you say they will have less than 5. They only have 3 of 8. How do you feel about that accomplishment?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
"I am happy and I praise the almighty God for giving me that opportunity to prove that I still have a little bit left."
Jules Vasquez
"But then you should have been rewarded for that performance with an upgrade in your cabinet post."
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
"That is left up to the Prime Minister."
Jules Vasquez
"You are not upset with the Prime Minister?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Prime Minister
"None at all. I have my work to do and I'll do it with the best of my ability. I think I did a fantastic job with agriculture and I hope I can make a little change in fisheries and forestry and whatever else is in my ministry."
Vega is backed up by Minister of State Omar Figueroa who has responsibility for Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development.