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Hon. Saldivar Stays With Security Despite Viral Video
Mon, November 9, 2015
And it seems "that's" also "that" for National Security minister John Saldivar. In spite of the video that went viral on facebook, and went on the news on Friday - showing him telling police to back off one of his gun wielding supporters. While we showed you him saying, "back off now," today, the Prime Minister had a very different version of that event:...

Jules Vasquez
"He restrained or he directed officers not to make an arrest of one of his supporters who by all indications had discharged a firearm in public. Is that something that you wade in re-assigning him to the Ministry of National Security?"

Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"No sir. I don't know that he did any such thing. It is clear from what I saw that he did speak to the police. But to go from there to an assertion that he directed them not to arrest the gentleman is bit of a stretch. I was satisfied with the explanation that he gave me that this was while clearly something that was wrong and in fact illegal for this person to fire a shot or shots in the air in celebration. That if he had not intervene, because he did, I just do not concede that he directed the police. If he had not as I think he conceded ask the police 'look man, if you are going to arrest the man, can you do it tomorrow, you will provoke an incident out here.' I am satisfied that that was fine. In all the circumstances, the incidents is regrettable, but not anything that would have caused me to think twice about re-appointing John Saldivar to that ministry."

CEO George Lovell is still the CEO of National Security.

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