And on that list of improvements is the Western Regional Hospital. The Hospital Management and the Ministry have come under heavy criticism after a
series of unfortunate incidents, culminating in a rat biting a new born in an incubator. Minister Marin told us that they are very serious about
eventually building a new hospital.
Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"Definitely we are going to continue to do renovation of the Western Regional Hospital; which is an old hospital. We need to do a lot renovation there.
This 30 million dollars that we are going to get will improve the facility tremendously. The operating theatre that we have at the Western Region is
new operating theatres; so that will be added to this new building that we're going to do. And eventually we need to tear down the old one and rebuild
it again; but it takes time and also I'm asking the people working at the hospitals to have a little more love to their job and to give that extra mile
in the hospitals. The hospitals are for the people and we have to realise that eventually myself or maybe one of my family will go to the hospital and
then you need to take care of them."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So renovations are on the way at the hospital as we speak?"
Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"Yes they are."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Can you tell us exactly where nurses quarters..."
Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"Like what I've mentioned to you, the first one was all the interior, looking at infestations, looking at windows, looking at areas that any animal can
go in. We have more people working at cleaning because that is one of them. We already fix up the lab like I mentioned before, we fixed up the pharmacy
and it will go little by little and we don't have all the finance to fix all the hospitals at one time but we are doing it in time."
Marin told us that they will get the $30 million grant for those hospital renovations soon.