Belizean Footballer Drafted In MLS |
Thu, January 14, 2016 |
National team player, Michael Salazar was drafted today by Impact Montreal in the MLS Super draft. In 2013, Salazar was a forward on the National Football Team that represented Belize in the Gold Cup. The 23 year old Salazar went unto play for the University of California, Riverside. And now today, he was the second pick of the Montreal Impact team in the MLS Super Draft. It's a major accomplishment for any Belizean player and today we spoke to him via video chat and here is what he had to say about the draft selection:
Michael Salazar
"It's an unbelievable achievement. Growing up in Belize, I learned pretty much everything when I was there and I believe in my dream since I was a little kid and now I just keep pushing for exactly what I believed in from day one and now it got me to this point to the MLS. It time for me to go work and open doors from Belizean people, especially the players over there. Because all of them wants the same opportunity that I have, but it could be a little more difficult and with me being the first to get draft in the MLS, hopefully that can help all the youths in Belize."
This afternoon Michael tweeted "I want to thank the Impact Montreal for giving me this opportunity. Special moment for me and my family. Thank you. Go Impact!!" Friends and family have already taken to social media in show of support for Salazar in this his greatest achievement of his career.