This evening, Belize City resident Deniesia Tillett came to our office in distress, asking us to allow her to make a public plea to the police department.
She claims that her ex-boyfriend has been threatening her for the last 12 months, and he continues to breach a protection order from the courts. Now, these aren't the kinds of stories which regularly make the news, but she told us that there appears to be a disconnect between the police and the courts in the enforcement of this restraining order for which her ex ought to have been prosecuted.
She told us that he sent her a death threat over the phone yesterday:
Deniesia Tillett, Claims Harassment from her Ex
"I am in distress because I have my ex can't seem to leave me alone and always harassing me and threatening me, saying that he will kill me and I just want the police to find him and do their job and ask the judge when they charge those kind of persons not to just give them bail. Because that is what they do and then they come right back out doing the same thing and harass until they murder one of us."
Daniel Ortiz
"What has he been doing specifically?"
Deniesia Tillett, Claims Harassment from her Ex
"Passed my house and stone my house after hours, jump in my yard. I don't know all what he does when I am inside and he is outside. But every time I find the gate open, I know it's him. He goes at my work and threaten me that he will kill me and he wants to knock me. He calls me and tells me insulting words."
Daniel Ortiz
"The last message you received, that sounds very alarming, very distressing. Describe that for us?"
Deniesia Tillett, Claims Harassment from her Ex
"Yes, I was working when I got that voicemail, because I cannot answer my phone when I am working. So when I do heard it, it's like I was left in a shock. I don't know what to do. I didn't even sleep at home last night. I stayed at my friend's house. So I am really feared for my life and I want they put this man where he belongs."
"I took out a restraining order against him and he always breaches it and the police can't seem to charge him for what he breach the restraining order. For a whole year I got one against him and for that whole year he breach that. And they still haven't charge him yet. I don't know what is the problem. What are they waiting for? For him to kill me. It looks like it's that. Tomorrow I am going to take out another or I am going to renew it, because it expired last week. So we will see what will happen with this one - if he will breach that too and they will leave him alone."
Tillett says that she will return to the court tomorrow asking for a new protection order to be issued. She intends to inform police that her ex did not respect the last one, and that she hopes that they will take action against him if he violates this one.