Mayor Explains Paving Delay |
Wed, February 10, 2016 |
But, while Mayor Bradley is pushing zoning as the City moves to roll out the Master Plan, what about unfinished concrete streets like those in the area
of Cinderella Plaza?
The Mayor told us months ago that the reason this very trafficked intersection was not completed was because the Flood Mitigation Project in this area
needed to be finished first.
But flood mitigation looks to be finished in that area, and so we asked the Mayor why hasn't the work hasn't resumed on this much trafficked area?:
Darrell Bradley - Mayor, Belize City Council
"It's not completed, it is going to be completed; the street is finished in terms of the section of Baymen Avenue and in terms of Cindarella Plaza. We
have a councillor who sits on the steering committee for the mitigation project; he is involved in the discussions and so forth. I'm confident that we
are pushing them in relation to completing that as soon as possible because it is a major woe for residence. The Cindarella Plaza is a major access way
and we need that area to be repaired and to be fixed. I can't speak in relation to the specific timeline but I can say that it's going to be done."