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GOB Pushing Forward With Port Partnership For Cruise Ships?
Wed, February 17, 2016

What's the cruise future for Belize City? That's a question that we've been asking on this newscast for months now – and finding an answer is like aiming at a moving target. First – back in 2004 - it was the Carnival Cruise Port at the Port of Belize, and then that completely fell part, and then it was Stake Bank –which only recently fell out of contention, and, now, the new frontrunner is the old frontrunner: they're back to the Port of Belize. Government wants a public-private partnership – reportedly with the Ashcroft Alliance – to build a docking facility there. Exploratory meetings were held last week Wednesday at the Tourism Board – and even the Prime Minister was there. So was Minister of State in the Ministry of Investment Tracy Taegar Panton – and we asked her about it:…

Hon. Tracey Taegar Panton - Minister of State, Investment Trade & Commerce

"It's clearly as the Prime Minister indicated a project that we will be looking at very seriously. We have heard over the years and you know I've served in tourism for many years prior to taking on this roll and responsibility. That the berthing facility that will allow passengers to dock and land and go immediately on tours is really what we've heard from the cruise sector. Stake Bank presented a possibility without the causeway it presents challenges and so the port is in Belize City is potentially a site we can look at. We are speaking to a couple of potential investors to examine the feasibility and viability of such a project but we're in the very preliminary stages at this point."

Courtney Weatherburne

"I guess on that preliminary stage I'm not sure if you will be able to talk with us about the meeting that was held last week at the BTB with the same proposed investors or developers, including the Ashcroft Alliance. Would you be able to comment on the outcome of that meeting?"

Hon. Tracey Taegar Panton - Minister of State, Investment Trade & Commerce

"I think the decision at that meeting, yes there was a meeting and decision at that meeting was to let's look at the feasibility of it; particularly where it relates to the environmental concerns in terms of the dredging and that kind of thing. We believe that the Waterloo group who we met with, who works very closely with the current receiver at the port is prepared to do the preliminary assessment."

Informed observers say that the natural siltation build-up at the Port of Belize is a potential drawback for that project, but a feasibility assessment should decide if that is a determining factor.

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