On Monday, we told you about the fake police officers, dressed in Khaki and Blue, who came upon two security guards and convinced them that an impromptu search was being conducted. The security guards suspected that something was amiss, but by that time, it was too late to put up any resistance, because by that time, the thugs had already pulled out a gun to threaten them with. The men then ran off with a licensed weapon, another gun belonging to a security firm.
Well, while we had the opportunity today, we asked the Commissioner of Police about these incidents, and he told us that his officers are treating it with priority:
Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"It’s a major concern, I had directed and I know we had sent out a press release in terms of advising businesses what to do. It is a great concern because if we have persons posing as police officers then it impacts negatively in terms of the general police officers going to execute their duties and I hope that people if they are in doubt they would call their nearest police station who should be able to confirm whether or not police officers had been dispatched to do any searches or any premises and that sort of thing. In other countries these things occur, we are investigating, we are trying to nip it but we had a number of persons detained and I believe that we may have charged one person."
The man that the Commissioner is referring to is 26 year-old Cleghorn Street Resident Cameron Slusher. He was arraigned today in Magistrates Court for aggravated assault with a firearm on yet another security guard.
Elmore Spencer told police that on last week Wednesday, a black vehicle pulled up on him and a man dressed in camouflage pants, similar to the Gang Suppression Unit, and a white shirt, jumped out. Spencer told police that this man was accompanied by another who had on black combat pants, boots and a black t-shirt. These men claimed that they were police officers, and they questioned him if he had a gun on him, and a license to carry that gun. He reported to police that he told these men he had none, and they would have to visit his office to check for the license.
Spencer told police that he was scared for his life because one of the men had a weapon with a finger on the trigger. This gunman also appeared to have very little knowledge about how to hold a gun properly. The men left him alone, and a few days later, he spotted one of them who he says pretended to be police and questioned him.
That man is Cameron Slusher, and he was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. He was arraigned today before Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer, and because he as accused of a crime committed with a firearm, he was remanded to the Belize Central Prison until April 5, 2016. |