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Sons of Negus Tell Louie Ganzie to Surrender
Wed, January 10, 2007

Louie Ganzie is still a fugitive and the local community of Bobo Shanti Rastafarians continues to go through changes while this most prominent Bobo is Belize's most wanted. Today, the Sons of Negus who, like Ganzie, are reggae musicians called us to make it clear that they have no love or safe harbor for Ganzie. Jules Vasquez reports.

Jules Vasquez Reporting,
So where is Ganzie right now?

Son of Negus #1,
"Well that is the question everybody wants answered."

And for answers the police are looking to these men, the Sons of Negus - a local Bobo-Shanti sect. Like them, Ganzie wore a turban and claimed devotion to Bobo Shanti beliefs. But these men say that they have nothing to do with harboring Ganzie - who they call wicked.

Son of Negus #2,
"From the time they can't find this man and a couple days they didn't see us around, everybody started to say, or the police started to say, that we were hiding this man and we don't have anything to do with that Jules, we would never condone Louie in something like that. We would never hide Louie."

Son of Negus #1,
"Since this thing happened, due to the fact that Ganzie sings and thing same way, they think all of us are one set of Ras. But it isn't like that and so now because a man with a turban does a crime, they want to pressure everyone. But who was the first person who put out a press release to condemn this thing? The Sons of Negus/Youth Uprising, it is us. We condemn all wickedness. We are righteous people. The men are acting like they want to harass we now because we still have to live, we still have to go dig up and farm because these man didn't see us, it is the worse thing they are thinking sometimes. People just have to know same way that anything that a Ras do or a Bobo, they try to condemn the whole Bobo society and we have a community which is trying to live right. We are like the only people trying to live right in society."

Righteous people living here on Plues Streets in small Rastafarian commune. We found them preparing their ital food on this day and reasoning with police, to make it clear that they have nothing but contempt for Ganzie's actions.

Son of Negus #1,
"Mr. Jeff and thing are in the place today and I want to get a little word from the 'I' and let the 'I' show him and let him and people to know what is happening. We? We are not informers but we are not fool-fool. Louie Ganzie will get judgment. Nobody can escape judgment because the earth is the ...everybody on this earth who do wrong have to pay for their wrong. Ganzie won't escape if fire has to blaze."

And they say they are willing to levy that judgment themselves.

Son of Negus #1,
"They say they have a $2,000 on this man head. You think we would have know where he is and we wouldn't have gone and judgment him? We would judgment him ourselves. We have a whole heap of judgment people around here. We would judgment him ourselves if we knew where he was. He has to hide from we too. Nobody really knows where he is."

Jules Vasquez,
So if you would see that man right now, what would you do?

Son of Negus #1,
"Citizen arrest him, kidnap him, gag, him, anything you want to call it but we would hold him and take him to where we have to take him to judgment him. If we have to get a Supreme Court judge to do it then we will do it like that. There are more than one ways to skin a cat. Let 12 Bobo or 9 Bobo judge him, quick thing. You think we are fool, yeah."

Son of Negus #2,
"Me, I would do Louie thing personally myself and I am telling the whole Belize that me would do Louie thing myself and that is why Louie didn't come to me. Louie would never come to me because me, I would kill Louie myself and I would show all of you that me, I am a real Bobo, me don't have anytime to play and play with my life. We are going back to Moses law, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, if you kill, that is what will happen to you. Anyway you do it, that is so we will do it and it is the same thing we will do to him and who doesn't want to do it, you will punish too. All of you that say you are Bobos and Ras, if you don't deal with him and just talk and talk and talk, you will see that Jah will punish all of you because all of you know him and all of you deal wit him. If you are seeing and you are hearing this, give up yourself because I will come for you, I will look for you all my life until they find you and they know that you are dead Louie because I won't go through this. Keisha is my sister and you know that too."

And the righteous anger they fell against Louie is because the woman he killed was a sister to them.

Son of Negus #1,
"I already cried. From the sistren dead, I have been going through emotional stress. That is like the mother of the nation dead and they don't even understand that. How can we not condemn that when the sistren is higher than Ganzie. The sistren is the omega of Belize like and people aren't even seeing this thing here."

Son of Negus #2,
"Keisha is the firmest Rasta sistren in Belize that I have ever had and she went to Zion and Keisha will let Jah show all of you that we are not in that, we are not in that because she knows, she knows right now where she is, she knows, so I will tell all of you that."

Police continue to seek out for questioning other Bobo Shantis who were known to associate with Ganzie.

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