Two weeks ago we told you about what was supposed to be a new wave of cracking down on tint that’s too dark. Indeed, enforcement since the law was put on the books in 2012, has been at best, sporadic. And, with that, dark tint – darker than the law allows – has become the norm again. And, we’ve seen it being sported on quite a few official rides like nobody’s business. Today we asked the mayor about his official ride, a sporty, low profile Ford SUV. Hot ride, but is the tint too dark?:
Jules Vasquez
"I saw recently I was at Eastern Division Police Southside and I saw them checking your traffic officers working with the police with the tintometers to check the tint 1% on Mr. Williams, ACP Williams' vehicle. Your vehicle I would say has about 5% which well below the legal limit. What is the situation with the enforcement of tinting laws and the traffic department and your own city issued vehicle."
Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City
"But if my vehicle falls below the legal requirement then our officers and agents of the council and the government should police me. I cannot speak in relation to my vehicle but if my vehicle violates the law then I should be held accountable."
Jules Vasquez
"Would you be since the city's traffic department has the tintometers, would you be willing to subject your vehicle to a tintometer test and report to the public what your tint range is? Looking at it just my little experience I would say its 5% and also your only allowed 6 inches on the front, yours look like 12 inches, you have an undercover ride mayor."
Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City
"I will go further than that to say if they can do it today, they are authorized fully to do it, I think Kevan Jenkins is here; you can observe that because you like news Jules, so you can observe that, you can check it and if it violates the law it is of course no intention of mine as an officer of the court and also a public elected official I must be bound by the law. I will undertake for my personal funds to take whatever corrective action to bring my tinting in accordance with the law."
The mayor says the council bought the vehicle with that grade of tint. And, no, Traffic Manager Kevon Jenkins was not there so no tint reading was taken on the mayor’s vehicle, but we’ll keep following up. |