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Guatemalan Family Says They Came Under Attack
Mon, April 25, 2016
But, on the other side of the border, the version they are getting is very different. The victim's father and mother gave emotional interviews to Guatemala's Chapin TV. The father painted a very different version of events where, he says he and his two sons came under attack from nowhere. Here's that interview with captions:...

Carlos Alvarado - Father
"I was coming on the road from work, and on the road coming in front, like I told you, I was in front meanwhile everyone was at the back, when they appeared in front of me and immediately started shooting, without telling me anything."

"There is no line that divides us, we cannot recognize where Belize or Guatemala is. We are poor, we don't have land here in Guatemala and we need. That is why we work in that area that they are claiming."

"I couldn't speak to them, not even to tell them "run!" because they immediately attacked me. They didn't speak to me. I could react to try and defend myself and they tried to defend themselves however they could."

"Approximately how many shots did you hear?"

Carlos Alvarado - Father
"Well approximately there were 150 shots fired."

Elda Ruano - Mother
"He just looked at me and told me he was going to leave, I didn't notice him but he just kept looking at me, then when I looked back he lowered his face and left. He was my must obedient son, he was my oldest boy."

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