CODICADER Coming Closer, Where’s The Cash To Cover Costs? |
Mon, May 16, 2016 |
The CODICADER games, which will be held in Belize this year, are just around the corner. The games are scheduled for July 6th to the 12th.
Meanwhile the National Sports Council and the Ministry of Sports are still hosting primary school competitions to decide which schools will be participating in each of the 4 disciplines. Today we got an update from Director of the National Sports Council Ritchel Dominguez:
According to the National Sports Council the projected budget to host the event in Belize is a whopping $800 thousand dollars. Government has committed to make a contribution, but no final figure has been mentioned. But, it won't be 800 grand, and that's why the National Sports Council is asking the business community to pitch in and make this event a success.