Deputy Party Leader Faber Says He Holds No Grudge |
Tue, May 31, 2016 |
So, if you saw our headline story tonight you'll know that there are some rumblings in the Barrow Cabinet. Now, it's not a rebellion, not at all from what we can tell, but the fact is that Patrick Faber is about to ascend to the post of Deputy Prime Minister - and 11 cabinet ministers do not support him. Indeed, time heals all wounds, and they may come around, but as it stands, Deputy-in-waiting Faber has a solid bloc of opposition against him. His critics say they don't like his style, that he's personal and vindictive. We asked him about that at Sunday's convention:...
Jules Vasquez
"Your opponent say that well Faber is vindictive, he will not be a good deputy leader, because he like to hold grudge and if you ever turn against him, you will never live that down. Is that a fair criticism?"
Hon. Patrick Faber
"I would say it's unfair. Nobody has to worry about that. Nobody has to worry about me terminating their services. That is just not how I operate."
Faber has not yet been named Deputy Prime Minister but we understand that is because Deputy Vega was already scheduled to represent the Prime Minister at a Heads of Government meeting in Cuba this week. When he is finished with that assignment, Faber will be gazetted as the Deputy PM next week Tuesday.