Next week Tuesday, the Foreign Ministers of Belize and Guatemala will meet again in Washington DC, to discuss what's called the Sarstoon mechanism - which means a mode for the two countries to co-exist on the disputed river that forms Belize's southern boundary. The talks come at a critical juncture, and might be called "super-important", but the PUP today announced that it will boycott those talks. Party Leader John Briceno explained why at a press conference at Party Headquarters today:...
Hon. John Briceno, PUP Party Leader
"My party and I have done everything possible to work with the government in a bi-partisan effort. Regrettably this effort has become a partnership of convenience by the UDP administration. That is why I have decided that until the government is prepared to work with us in a meaningful partnership on this issue, we will not attend the talks in Washington DC next week Tuesday."
Jules Vasquez
"Is it because the government did not include you all in the contingent that went to the OAS general assembly?"
Hon. John Briceno, PUP Party Leader
"Absolutely not. That is only a part of it. The government has been showing a pattern of what we called this partnership of convenience. When it is convenient for them, they want to drag us along and when it is not, they are just very dismissive. We send these letters trying to advise the Prime Minister and then he sends very short curt letter pretty much dismissing what you have to say. So, if you don't want to listen to us, why is it that you want us around?"
Jules Vasquez
"Isn't it the duty of the opposition to remain tuned-in or remain a part of these negotiations no matter how the government acts?"
Hon. John Briceno, PUP Party Leader
"It's not as if we 'oh we don't have anything to do with this,' we are continue to be advocating. But if the government does not want to deal with us, so why are we going to be there?"
Jules Vasquez
"Wouldn't the Belizeans be best served, if you just did your job, rather than staying there like everybody else and shout up, do you job and not feel hurted. Because I get the impression, the Opposition is hurted at the treatment by the government of Belize at the un-invitation to the OAS general assembly and it look like you all got your feelings hurt and say we are not taking part in that. Man you all have a job to do."
Hon. John Briceno, PUP Party Leader
"Come in Jules, you supposed to know me better than that. It takes a lot for me to get hurted for something as simple as a trip going to the Dominican Republic, so let us get that very clear. We want to make a statement to the government that we are prepared to work with them, but they also need to treat us with respect. We treat them with respect, I expect you to respect us. Now if you don't want to listen and you are taking us the wrong road, you want us to be there along that road? So then afterwards you Jules Vasquez along with others, will turn around and say see PUP and UDP are the same thing. We are not going to stand by that."
Briceno said he is going to meet with his party's team of former foreign ministers to discuss the way forward on the bipartisan approach. After that, the party's National Executive will make a decision on Wednesday.