Last week it was BWS that was making a generous financial contribution to the CODICADER initiative. Today ASR decided to pitch in with a sweet donation- as sweet as sugar you could say. A grant of $12,500 dollars was handed over today at a very brief ceremony at the National Sports Council Office in Belize City. William Neal, the Communications and Government Affairs representative for ASR/BSI was present to hand over a check which will be used to cover costs of purchasing sweat-suits for the kids representing Belize at this year's CODICADER games.
William Neal - Comm./Gov. Affairs. ASR/BSI
"Generally ASR is one of the companies especially in Orange Walk, that whenever there are any sporting events or any community events that is approached very often for funding, they have a committee that looks at where the monies will serve the communities best and generally because we work with farmers who are, in terms of a localized area, either from Orange Walk or Corozal, we look at maximizing that. This year we looked at where it would have the most impact and definitely contributing to this initiative twelve thousand dollars plus. It was definitely something that we saw as worthwhile given the fact that we do have sports being organized but it's not with an international flair that would expose our young people to competitions and competitors from throughout the region. So, we thought that this would be a worthwhile initiative to support."
Ritchell Dominguez - Dir. National Sports Council
"Well, what has happened is that we have asked ASR to come on board with us in providing sweat suit and uniforms for our Belizean teams and we are glad today to say that ASR has fulfilled that part in doing the sweat suits and the uniforms for the athletes of Belize. So, the Belize Team is ready. We have the sweat suits that should be delivered this evening and I can say that the Belize teams have their uniform and everything ready to go."
Emanuel Pech
"How far does this bring you in terms of trying to reach your financial quota?"
Ritchell Dominguez - Dir. National Sports Council
"Well, I can say we are all most there. We are falling short by a little bit, but we go ahead hoping that the companies that we have asked to come on board will come on board at the end of the day."
The organizing committee says they are still short of $300 thousand dollars to host the games in Belize, which might seem daunting for an event that is literally hours away. But According to Director of the Sports Council Ritchel Dominguez, they are forging ahead with what they've got.