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Belize & India Partner in Medical Education
Tue, August 30, 2005

The Central American Health Sciences University based in Belize and the Vinayaka Mission of Salem Medical University from India will tonight be signing a memorandum of understanding that will see Asian medical students studying in Belize. A minimum of 150 students are expected to arrive each year to study medicine beginning next month. Director Murali Radraraju told us more.

Murali Radraraju, Director
"This is a training program basically right now with the international markets wide open for students we have welcomed into this program. The program has almost twenty-seven colleges to its name in India, its one of the best private schools in India and they are going to admit the students and send them over to Belize Medical College for part of their training. Belize Medical College will do the first part of their training in Belize and then they will go back and do the rest of the program there (in India) and the degree will be jointly given by us.

There are a lot of similarities between the Central American Health University and us. We both have the same objectives of healthcare education so we thought we could join together and offer this program, so that that could benefit both countries.

By the end of December we could see the first batch coming in and subsequently every year we will be seeing, by 2008 we are targeting around four hundred students to be in the country and that is going to, of course, have a good impact on the economics within the country. It is going to bring in the foreign exchange, students are going to come, their parents might want to come visit the country so tourism factors there, they have to eat food, groceries, telecommunications, and so all sectors in one or another will be touched and it will be our target and hopefully we can achieve that.

It will be a great advantage for our students to get multiple exposure, studying in more than one campuses, so that is indeed a great advantage because they should travel to places and learn what are the different aspects being practiced. It will directly widen the knowledge and improve their career prospects."

The university was founded in 1996 and has an enrollment of students.

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