Since the story of accused murderer, kidnapper, and conman William "Danny" Mason broke on Monday, we've been trying to find out just how connected he is to the Barrow Administration.
So far, we've found out that he was well known to Police Minister John Saldivar, whose football club he contributed to. Prime Minister Dean Barrow disclosed that Minister of State Frank "Pawpa" Mena received a ten thousand dollar campaign contribution form Mason, which he now wants to give back. Then, Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber went to Mason's Intelco Hill Mansion for "congratulatory drinks" after his swearing in ceremony in early June. And, today, when we asked, Immigration and Natural Resources Minister Godwin Hulse confirmed reports we'd been receiving that he also went up the Hill along with DPM Faber. Now, this would seem to conflict directly with what Hulse told the media on Monday when he said that he'd never seen Mason before – and now we learn that he's been to visit his house? How does Hulse square that away? Today he explained:
Mike Rudon
"Did you know Williams Mason? Were you ever at his home?"
Hon. Godwin Hulse - Minister of Immigration
"I don't know him at all. I went on the swearing on of Patrick Faber. I was invited to a reception; had no idea where it was going to be. My driver followed the crew to where it was, we got to this building that looked like a restaurant. In fact I was told it was going to be a steak restaurant. They had a small bar with several tables around. I stood there and I spoke to Alexis Ferreda, Ruben Campos, Dean Williams a little group just basically at the entrance. It was raining like hell; I needed to get back to the office. I trotted through the rain went back to my office at 4, never had anything to eat, had 1 lighthouse beer which is a little odd because I normally no drink beer but just for the company and that was it. I had no idea this was a house, a mansion it look like a restaurant to me and I told it was going to be a streak restaurant. That was the beginning and the end of my association with the building. I had seen the building before, never entered it but I've seen it because there is a beautiful tree called Cortez Tree that blossoms every now and then a beautiful orange and where ever I see them I spot them. So one day I was driving along going up to place called Omega and I saw the trees, I turned down that road and took a picture of the beautiful trees. That's the beginning and end of my association with the building. Never met the man, didn't know if he had a wife, never knew who he was and never cared."