And in other national news that isn’t about Hurricane Earl – this week, the new police Minister Godwin Hulse has his hands full. That’s because the police are in peak operation mode, responding to all types of urgencies and emergencies. For Hulse, who seems to relish every new challenge thrown his way, he admits to having mixed feeling about leaving the Ministry of Natural Resources after only nine months. This is his interview from  Monday:…
Jules Vasquez
"Sir is there any bittersweet feeling leaving the ministry of natural resources? In so far as you put in a lot of work there. You believed you had great success but might there not be the undertone that the prime minister found a way to get you out of the way while at the same time giving you a job as important as you are but to get you out of the way because you da mi big hold up and all those ministers mi bex and maybe Ms. Vanessa; while she is a senator and unelected perhaps she will be more agreeable to deal with."
Hon. Godwin Hulse - Former Minister of Natural Resources
"Aye man Jules, aye man Jules that leading question and I don't think so at all. I don't think the prime minister would ever have that kind of motive and I don't think that is so. Yes bittersweet because I was gung-ho and pushing and pushing and pushing. I hope that Senator Minister Retreage will continue in that vein and improve upon as the prime minister had said also. But I said many times in interviews with you all, all ministries in my mind are equal. People continue to talk about powerful and not so powerful ministries; I don't see it see it so at all. I see all ministries are equal at least all ministers get the same pay, all ministers should work hard and do the work they are being paid for and be on the job all the time and to try to produce the best. What does land do? Land ensures that people get their property; in fact Jules you were a victim of a long outstanding matter that you got addressed, am I not correct? At 13 years or something like that so far I started with 97,000 outstanding items; I'm down to 50 something thousand and in that short time I have signed close to just under 4,000 leases, grants, titles all sort of people's matters have been cleaned up. Who walk in that door and say I've been trying this for 12 years, I've been trying that for 10 years this hasn't happened and we've cleaned it up."
Mike Rudon - Chl 5 News
"Was lands indeed a hot bed of corruption when you found it as the prime minister had said?"
Hon. Godwin Hulse - Former Minister of Natural Resources
"Oh yes everybody know that man that is public knowledge. Lands was a private business masquerading as a public department; everybody know that. People you don't think get up there and pay somebody; I'm not saying anything at the top I'm saying that is from the bottom. You don't get your thing up unless you pay somebody and it was messy. You go to lands right now it's as calm as ever you won't see anybody there and all the people who use to hang out there and control the thing they disappeared."