Is the Right To Gay Sex A Human Right? |
Thu, August 18, 2016 |
Those who lobby for a referendum say that society's right to live within the norms of mainstream Christian values must precede the lifestyle choices of a minority. But, those on the other side frame it is a human rights issue: that all Belizeans have certain inalienable rights - and no referendum can take that away. We asked the Prime Minister where he comes down on the issue - and he balked at the question:...
Jules Vasquez
"Is homosexuality or the choice to live a homosexual lifestyle or a bisexual or queer lifestyle, is that in your mind a human rights issue? I ask, because the deputy prime minister recently expressed some uncertainly if that was a human right issue."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"Do I see homosexuality as human right? I'm not going to answer that sir. I am here sent by my cabinet to speak about the ruling and I was at pains to say to you that cabinet is united in so far as our determination not to appeal that ruling is concerned. I went to further lengths to say that on the question of the values, issues of the LGBT community there are different points of view in cabinet. I have my own view, but I will not expressed that view today because I don't think this is the forum for it. I admire the way you want to add sauce to the stew or throw fuel on the fire, but I'm afraid sir you will forgive me for what you will no doubt describe as my cowardice in welshing out on that one."