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PM’s Wife supports CJ Decision
Fri, August 19, 2016
Now, the Prime Minister's wife, Kim Barrow may share some of Ambassador Moreno's enthusiasm, but she's in what might be called a "cute" situation, politically. She is the Prime Minister's wife, and so she isn't expected to be seen cheerleading for the gay rights activists on such a divisive issue.

But when Caleb Orozco, UNIBAM and their legal team held a press conference shortly after the decision last Wednesday, they disclosed that Mrs. Barrow immediately came out in support of the judgment.

So, today when we caught up with her at another event, we asked her to confirm. Here's how she explained it:

Kim Simplis-Barrow - Special Envoy For Women And Children
"I applaud the Chief Justice's decision. I think we all have rights and court rulings must be respected."

Daniel Ortiz
"A lot of people are disappointed that the decision has been made and it has caused a lot of venom, from the more conservative persons in society. Is it something disappointing to you to see that some people are close-minded?"

Kim Simplis-Barrow - Special Envoy For Women And Children
"I am always of the opinion that we should spread love and we should be advocating for peace and that has always been my stand on everything. I think that the time is right for us to put away the negativity and start preaching God's love. His call for loving your neighbor, his call for treating others as you would like to be treated. I mean as far as I know and as far as I am concern, that is what love is and so I continue to say that and I continue to implore Belizeans to advocate for peace."

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