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PUP May Be Ready To Compromise On Senate
Thu, September 29, 2016
The Senate meets tomorrow to consider two motions for the appointment of a Special Select Committee to investigate irregularities at the immigration department. One is put forward by opposition Senator Eamon Courtenay - and that calls for 3 social partners, one member from the opposition and one from government. The other is put forward by the churches senator Ashley Rocke, and that calls for 3 social partners, two government representatives and one from the opposition. So both motions seek to appoint a Special Select Committee, but each proposes different compositions. Rocke seems to have the numbers on his side, since he - along with 6 government senators comprise 7 of the 12 Senators, and the PUP's 3 senators along with the other 2 social partners only count five. Today the leader of the opposition told us that they do have some flexibility:

Jules Vasquez, 7News
"What will happen in the senate tomorrow?"

Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"I think that it's something that our senators will have to sit down and speak with the senator from the church. Then to try to find which one would be the best option that would work."

Jules Vasquez, 7News
"Are you flexible to go to 2?"

Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"I haven't re-read his motion, so I think it would be unfair for me to say yes or no. what we want is for us to be able to have an open, fair investigation into what has transpired in the department of immigration. If it means that you have to have two members from the government side and two members from the opposition, if that is what it requires to happen, I don't think our senators are going to object."

"Sir, but at the same time the party has said that a mechanism has been used before."

Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"I agree with you. I've been saying over and over that we have precedent. A precedent has been set where under the PUP government we had one from each government and opposition and three which we believe is the best way. At the end of that day what is it that we want? We want to have an opened and transparent investigation into the criminal activities that have taken place in the department of immigration. if it would require, and I don't know because as I've said I have not read their motion, but if at the end of the day we required 2 from government and 2 from the opposition, I don't think our senators would object. The important thing is that we want to get to the bottom of what has taken place in that department."

Jules Vasquez, 7News
"The government insist that the doctrine of the Prime Minister Dean Barrow, the doctrine is that majority rules, so you are talking about 2:2. Government is saying they must maintain a political majority of at least 2:1. Would you all be agreeable to that?"

Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"We are going to fight the Prime Minister every step of the way when it comes that he wants to have a majority. In 2004 he was the very one along with Minister Hulse who was saying that the government cannot have a majority. What has changed?"

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