As you heard earlier on, the Chamber’s resolution becomes yet another harsh criticism of the current Senate probe that is already on the move to start its investigation of the Immigration Department. As we showed you yesterday, none of the Social Partners were prepared to accept the Chairmanship yesterday at the first meeting of the committee.
The principal concerns are that the Government currently has too much influence on the tribunal. The call is for the Prime Minister to ask one of his 2 senators to step down from the Committee.
As you heard, he was not prepared to do that.
So, The PUP also continues to question the resolve of the Prime Minister to thoroughly investigate the Auditor General’s reports. At every stage of the process, the Opposition has been accusing the ruling party of trying to obstruct the path to a thorough Senate probe.
Here’s how the Prime Minister answered that criticism:
Daniel Ortiz
"The opposition has taken the view that in trying to appease the public's demand for this committee to investigate the immigration department you have in subtle ways implanted bugs which will railroad the process."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"But Daniel on the face of it that is nonsense; you're going to have this committee operating in accordance to terms of reference and as I have indicated in plain view sight and hearing of the public. The situation does not permit of any antics or shenanigans on the part of government. The two government Senators Dr. Carla Barnett and Aldo Salazar are persons of undoubted well established probity and integrity. I fail to see how anybody except someone who is so politically grasping that they allow their brains to become idled I fail to see how anybody can suggest that there could be any hp; hanky-panky on the part of government with a process that will be utterly completely transparent in a way that simply cannot permit of anything to go wrong."Â
Those comments are from this evening’s press conference. Presently the media is waiting on word form the teacher’s union to see if they will end the strike or deice to continue it.