And so now parents across Belize are in for at least three more days of the teachers’ strike.  But Are they really in support of the BNTU movement ? Or are they just getting frustrated with this prolonged strike? We spoke to a few parents today and all they want is for some resolution to be finalized so their kids can go back to school:
Agnes Mariano - Mother
"My thoughts on the strike is that, um, I know to fight for something- to get something we have to fight for it. But, for the children cut out of school is kinda way you know, I'm going to work, I have to work nightshift, I got to work day shift. Everywhere I go now I have to take her with me because- but, that's what we have to do cause it’s a strike and we have to be behind the teachers. For me, I did something different. I take her to tutor three times for this week so she could, like, keep up with some work and I try to help her with some school work while I am at home. I want her back in school but I would really like the Prime Minister to work along with the teachers and just let us end the strike.â€
Jennifer James - Aunt
"I think it's enough because the amount of classes they have missed, the preparation weh deh have for different work, really I deh with the teachers, yes, but then I think they should, um, come to a point. Even if da go slow ina the classroom, we know the kids dehn deh da school still yet, right. But really, two weeks and Monday they are talking about a demonstration- it's past the mark.â€
Courtney Weatherburne
"And now with your niece, she is in what form?â€
Jennifer James - Aunt
"She's third form, Pallotti."
Courtney Weatherburne
"And I know in Third, I think that's when you have the SBAs and preparing for CXCs, as well. How is this impacting her work and her progress?"
Jennifer James - Aunt
"Well right now, well really, they noh start to do that part yet. But then when that time come, it will be like a pressure on them. Cause the amount a work deh wa haftu put in, fu try ketch up- it will be very hard on them.â€
Courtney Weatherburne - Reporter
"Do you think that the teachers should continue? Or they should go back to the classes at this point? It has been two weeks."
Denise August - Mother
"Go back. Cah da di children di suffa. And dehn deh di keep them behind time fu school.â€
Courtney Weatherburne
"So you don't really agree with the strike, you don't agree with the teacher's movement?"
Denise August - Mother
Courtney Weatherburne
"I know that of course your kids are out of school but how is it for you as a parent?"
Kimberly Flowers - Mother of three
"Well, it really, umm, affect me because I have to dreg them everywhere with me. All I'da want tell the teachers deh fu please get back ina school, you know, because children need to learn cause right now my daughter di home noh di do nothing just d walk all about the place. And, I noh really like it neitha. "
Courtney Weatherburne
“Do you try to keep them occupied at home and give them work or reading assignments?"
Kimberly Flowers - Mother of three
"Yes I just try keep them busy mek them stay inside and stay outta trouble, watch tv and do what deh could do."
Andrea Moguel – Mother
"As a parent I kinda annoyed that the children noh deh ina school, but pan the same time to, I know we have to do drastic movements like this so the Government can hear us. You know, I mean the teachers want deh 3%. I believe all public servants da Belize underpaid. And dehn da some a di things weh people have to be more vocal and stand up fah. I mean, as a society. But the sad reason is that the children deh di suffa. So, we need our children back ina school. Me personally I need mines back inna school and I know all parents, we need it too. My call is da more for like the Government, dat da weh I di talk to- the Government deh. Try fu assist the teachas with deh 3% so the children could  back inna school so the teachas can be satisfied. I mean deh di call fu a lot of good governance a di country, deh da things worth bringing up ina society fu mek arise, mek everybody can see."