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A Road Safety Award For Belize
Wed, December 14, 2016
Today the Government of Belize received the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The award was granted based on the government's efforts to increase road safety in the country, particularly in the high-collision corridor on the Western highway. Before the CDB funded road safety project, that stretch of road was responsible for 50% of all road traffic deaths in Belize. After the project, it has only accounted for 10% of road deaths as of December 2015. CEOs of the Ministries of Economic Development and Works Yvonne Sharman and Errol Gentle received the award on behalf of the government.

We leave you tonight with an unusual city sighting: a keel billed Toucan snacking on some Palm nuts right above a busy city street. We saw this beauty on Newtown Barracks, near Hummingbird Elementary, helping himself to the Palm nuts on Dame Minita's tree. He didn't seem bothered by the attention as he hung around on a five foot fence mugging for passers-by who were snapping pictures. The national bird likes brightly coloured fruits, and for the palm nut, he uses his long beak to crack it open.

Enjoy our bird encounter and join me back here tomorrow.

7 News for Wednesday, 14th December, 2016 from 7News Belize on Vimeo.

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