Shrimp Farming Industry In Trouble |
Thu, January 19, 2017 |
But it's not "Roundup" that's causing the problems in the Shrimp farming industry, they've got a virus which has killed off shrimp stocks, and nearly killed off the industry where revenues crashed. Since then all the farms have flushed out and re-stocked with new genetic material. Unofficial reports say it looked encouraging at first, but then there was another major die off of shrimp stocks. It's left the technicians scratching their heads in awful anxiety. Today the Minister of Agriculture discussed the problem:...
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Minister of Agriculture
"There is some promising results and there are some disappointing results as well. So I wouldn't use the word "Crash." I can share with you some pictures of some very lovely shrimp being produced by Rainforest people. But they have small ponds that they have specially design to train, the shrimp looks excellent etc. People like Alvin Henderson is also part of that. Mike Dunker is part of that."
"There have been some setbacks. Alvin did export some to Mexico, but there's been some setback which we are trying to seriously analyze. I will put this as bluntly as I can: It's a technical problem and it requires a technical solution and so at this time BAHA and everybody else is engaged in trying to find that technical solution to the setbacks. But I wouldn't say "crash.""
Jules Vasquez
"But it's also and economic problem, because..."
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Minister of Agriculture
"It's economic yes, but remember at the same time it's an industry that you want to survive, you want to go ahead. So you have to try to find a solution."