PM Indicates Room For Negotiation With Bondholders |
Fri, January 27, 2017 |
As we told you last night, the government of Belize has extended the deadline on its consent solicitation offer from yesterday, January 26th to next Friday February third.
While extending the deadline suggests that the bondholders aren't biting, we note that government hasn't changed what it's offering, suggesting that they may have a stronger hand than they care to show at this time. Today, the Prime Minister suggested as much:...
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"That came about, because without saying too much, we certainly have come away with the impression that there is a willingness on the part of the bondholders, the creditor committee and their advisors to discuss matters. I don't want to put it any higher than that. I don't want to misrepresent them. But it's not that we just took it into our heads that this thing ought to be extended. We are extending for what we feel is good and sufficient caused."
The deadline is now next week Friday at 5:00 pm Eastern, two weeks before the next Superbond payment is due.