FECTAB Dances On Puerto Azul’s Grave |
Mon, January 30, 2017 |
The anti-Harvest Caye team spoke on a number of other issues regarding tourism and later on they jumped to crime and corruption in a very scattershot session. But, of course, among those topics was Puerto Azul, Greenwood pushed the spear of criticism even deeper when he spoke on the sham Puerto Azul turned out to be.
Tom Greenwood, FECTAB
"I will add to that, the horrible Ponzi scheme scenario of Puerto Azul, it is so shameful it's not funny, the Minister of Tourism along with a Minister of Development and then pulling in the wife of the PM into that, an embarrassment of major proportions. For that to happen is indicator supreme of other things going wrong at lower levels. We in FECTAB are at those lower levels so you see we have been right all along in saying that we are not being attended to, things are going wrong, things are going unlawfully wrong."
"Our name has gone abroad again and the Ponzi scheme obvious at Puerto Azul is hurting us badly, there are people who want to travel to Belize, there are large travel agencies and corporations that want to send people to Belize, are they going to send people to a country that is allowing laws to be broken involving tourism? Of course not."