Hoping for the best is not what Mayor Darrell Bradley told us got him elected. Yesterday, the two term mayor told us he got elected on his record, not as a product of the UDP political machine in the city - and all the voters list bloat that comes with it. Today, Finnegan told us otherwise; he said that Bradley wouldn’t have won without his division:
Jules Vasquez
"You are always seeking to register new people why is that? Because the strength of the constituency, the strength of the party, is the strength of the city council although Mr. Mayor likes to play quite heartily."
Hon. Michael Finnegan - UDP Mespo. Representative
"Can't win without me."
Jules Vasquez
"Well he just said yesterday he win on performance."
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"He can't win without me and Barrow and Boots and Taeger."
Jules Vasquez
"The man said in an interview yesterday - based on performance."
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"But the man is a good candidate, the man is a good mayoral candidate, so he's easy to - you can sell him in Mesopotamia easily. Bradley is a good candidate."
In the last general election, Darrel Bradley got almost twice as many votes as his PUP challenger.
Later on you’ll hear Finnegan tell us what he thinks of the Senate Hearings so far and the political cost to his party.