Officer Reynolds’ Take On Minister Frequenting Immigration |
Thu, February 16, 2017 |
Last night, we brought you coverage of the yesterday's Senate Hearings on Immigration, and we showed you how the Committee grilled Port Commander and Senior Immigration Officer George Reynolds. He had to answer questions from the Senate Select Committee about those 8 stolen visas of December 2012. As viewers are aware, that's what triggered the Special Audit of the Immigration Department, which is now the subject of tough questions for those who worked there, or those who are named in the Audit. They'll have to strap in because, these public hearings will continue for well… probably the next few months.
While he was before them, the Senators decided to ask him about those ministers who were showing up regularly, pressing influence to expedite applications for visas, nationalities and passports. Here's his take on that, given his 26 years of experience in "the belly of the beast":