UWI Council Meets In Belize |
Fri, March 17, 2017 |
And immediately after her official induction as Principal, Longsworth met with university executives for the annual Campus Council. Longsworth reported on all the initiatives and activities undertaken in the previous academic year, and detailed the plan for expanding the campus and its curriculum. After the Council, university officials held a press conference where they went over some of the particulars of the meeting. Here's Dr. Longsworth and UWI's Chancellor, Sir George Alleyne with more...
Dr. Luz Longsworth, Pro-Vice-Chancelor - UWi Open Campus Belize
"I want to start by saying that this meeting is the meeting where we account for our stewardship of our resources over the last year and in the meeting this morning I shared with the members of the campus council who are here from across the region; we have representation from St. Kitts, Bahamas, from other parts of the Caribbean who sit on the council and I shared with them the major developments in the open campus over the last year, which included a rapid increase in the numbers of programs that we have offered. In fact we offered 17 new online programs. We have developed 41 new continuing and professional education programs. We've seen rapid increase in enrollment an overall average of 18% of increase in student enrollment in the open campus online programs over the last year and also the work that we are doing in the open campus improved our ability to develop and deliver on an even larger scale as the university moves towards moving a lot of its excellent content online so that the people of the region and beyond will be able to access wider programming wherever you are."
Sir George Alleyne, Chancellor - UWI
"Say 1500 years ago a person was considered educated and ready to work when they finish tertiary education. Now we know that is no longer so and I dare that you went to primary school, secondary school, university and that was it. You have finish your education. Those days are no longer so. What we find is education is a process that starts not quite after you are born, but soon after and only ends just before you die."
The UWI open campus reiterated it's commitment to offering education to all Caribbean citizens, regardless of where they live.