All this week, we've been showing you the Senate's robust debate on the 2017-2018 budget. It was the first Senate Meeting where the Government Senators were out-numbered, but in the end, the budget passed because Church Senator Ashley Rocke casted the deciding vote in the favor of its approval.
It's a hard-time budget, and the Barrow Administration is going to cut government spending in many areas. On Monday we asked Police Commissioner Allen Whylie if that means cuts for his Department. Our look at the budget say that spending will be reduced by as much as two-thirds at the police training academy. Does that mean that there will be no recruit intake this year? That's what the media asked the ComPol:
"We know that this is a tough year in terms of budget. I believe in the ministry there will be some cuts and the last few months we've been getting reports of even lack of resources, in terms of even gas to certain units. Can you speak about how much the cut will affect the already you department is under the most stress and needs more finance and resources?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"Let me say that no police department and my department is no exception, will ever have all the things that we believe that we need, but what we have got to do as administrators is to work with what we have and try to maximize those resources and so we will be looking closely in terms of where those cuts are and what we need to do in terms of perhaps pooling in some area, utilizing the resources more efficiently and effectively."
"In terms of the issue of fuel and so, we've never had any issue with that, especially in this last year. We've not been placed on any kind of embargo and no time by the persons who distribute."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"Will there be any new recruits passing out this year?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"No sir."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"Could you tell us why?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"There is none in the budget at this time."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"Wouldn't you say then that the budget cuts have affected the performance or the capacity of the Belize Police Department?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"I wouldn't say so. Simply because of the fact that over the years we've had a number of recruit squads which again weren't budgeted for and whilst there is none in the budget at this point in time, I am optimistic that perhaps in the near future we will be able to have a recruit."
"We cannot worry about if we have a recruit squad or not. We have got to be here in the present and work with what we have."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"Would you have suggested a cut in the allocation to the police department when for example in 2016 we had the second highest rate of murders over the past 5-6 years?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"It's not up to me sir. I will work with what I have."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"My question: would you have wanted it differently?"
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"I don't want to be hypothetical. I will work with what I have."
Mike Rudon, Belize Times
"You don't want to offend the politicians."
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"No, I'm a realist, I got to work with what I have."