Hulse Hot To Trot Before Commission |
Wed, May 24, 2017 |
And Immigration Minister, Godwin Hulse is also on the list of those scheduled to appear. He was to appear next week, but with today's postponement, that has been pushed back. He said he is eager to have his turn before the committee:
Hon. Godwin Hulse - Minister of Immigration
"As Minister of Immigration I have been summoned to appear, it should be next week I understand there's a little delay because there is no hearing today so I might be pushed until another week - that's good. I look forward to going there and to clarify some of the points that dangling in the public's mind and in fact to set the record straight with respect to many of the improvements and changes that we've made in the department from those unfortunate dates to now. So I look forward to that, I have full support all time for public inquiries, it was misconstrued and misrepresented and misunderstood when I voted in the Senate initially on two times with respect to the Senate Inquiry because I'm a structured person and I'm not driven by the emotions of the day and how we feel. I'm a strict structured person and therefore all in maintained that the structures should be complied with and be honoured and respected. Now we may or may not like some of those processes, when we don't like that when we change the law accordingly but as long as the law obtains we follow those procedures." |