Bad News For Bowen: Beer and Soda Production Down |
Wed, June 28, 2017 |
Notably, production of beer and soft drinks was down for the second successive quarter. That’s Bowen and Bowen’s market, and Ochaeta said the beverage producer is being affected by imports:…
Jefte Ochaeta - Statistician I, SIB
"There was a decrease in beverage production of almost 5%. This is due that because we observed that we had less being produced, we had about 47,000 less gallons of beer being produced. Similarly we had 216,000 less litres of soft drinks being produced. What's affecting our production? Basically we saw an increase in the import of soft drinks and also beer, imported in 2016, it's affecting the producer. Additionally in the secondary industry, there was a decreased in flour production by 6% which also affected by flour imports." |