Hon. Vega from Backbench M.I.A. to Front Bench Appearance |
Fri, June 30, 2017 |
He had missed 7 straight house meetings since he was forced to resign from Cabinet in November, but Gaspar Vega appeared at today's meeting - warmly greeting colleagues after a long absence.
And we were surprised to see that Vega was not seated at the far end of the back bench where his seat had been placed before; instead he was brought to the front and placed in the 8th seat - not far from the fourth seat he occupied before his resignation.
Now, its quite unusual to have a backbencher - that is: a representative with no portfolio - in the front bench but this may have been part of the compromise to have the Orange Walk North Representative Vega back in the house.
His re-appearance came as somewhat as. a surprise - but Vega didn't do much, he made no presentations, granted no interviews, and was gone right after lunch.
But he was still a subject of debate - and later on you'll hear the PUP complaining about that he still has police officers as full time personal security.