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Licensed Shooter in Santa Elena Killing Still In Hospital
Mon, July 31, 2017
As we reported on Friday, 37 year old Jose Nunez Castellanos was shot dead in a bar brawl in Santa Elena, Cayo. The man who allegedly shot him, was licensed firearm owner, 31 year old Nevis Bethancourt - who claims he did it in self defense, as Castellanos was chopping off his hand.

Tonight, Bethancourt has not been charged or detained; he remains in the hospital recovering form the cop wound which nearly severed his hand. On Friday, police said he had been detained.

Other accounts say the deadly dispute - they tell us - centers over a petty disagreement Bethancourt's mother had with Nunez Castellanos. They were allegedly arguing about whether or not he had forced himself on her with a kiss a week earlier. She was insulted and called her son Nevis to her defence, and that's when he pulled up, and the violent encounter erupted.

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