Another Shake-Up At Civil Aviation? |
Thu, August 3, 2017 |
In 2014, we reported on the scandal at the Belize airports Authority where it was uncovered that as many as 76 cheques had been issued to family, affiliates and constituents of the former minister, Edmond Castro.
That led to a massive shakeup at the Belize Airports Authority, where the Board was purged, the manager sent home and the Minister of State stripped of responsibility for that portfolio.
Well, tonight reports say that the whistle has been blown again on unspecified financial irregularities at the BAA. While there are rumors of a shakeup, today when we spoke to General Manager, Nick Ruiz, he said he was in his office as usual - and expected to remain there. He would only say that he has been in meetings with his Minister Manuel Heredia and Ministry's CEO - and that he has spoken to the Prime Minister on the phone about an issue having to do with the departure of the former accountant in June.
Ruiz flatly denied reports that he - or anyone else - would soon be departing. He told us that has remains in office, and that everything was clear between himself and his Minister and CEO.
We'll keep probing the story.