And in the middle of preparations for the tropical storm - a different kind of storm seems to have descended on Gwen Liz High School. The Principal of the last 13 years, Dr. Lorna McKay received a four page letter from the school's Chairman, Roosevelt Blades placing her on three weeks administrative leave effective immediately.
McKay said it was delivered with the threat of force. She told us more today:...
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"Yes, I really surprised Mr. Blades walked into my office and gave me a letter signed by him, no CC to ministry, commissioner or anybody, telling me that I have been placed on administrative leave and I asked him why? He said that it can either an easy way or a hard way. Then I told him sir, I will not move from here until I have - I haven't had a meeting with you nor the board. We haven't met to discuss this and I will call the union, I will call the media and he said well I will call the police to take care of the compound and he did call the police."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"However, they stood down."
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"Somebody spoke to the police and the police went. It is something that he had done before. I think its victimization, I think its bullying and because I would not condone some of the foolishness that he has been doing and I don't work with him in that capacity where he wants to dictate to what you do at the school. This has been an ongoing process. It has been something that has been happening for years now. Quite a lot of bullying quite a lot of intimidation, that is shouted at and being disrespected and stuff like that. I'm tired of it and I have probably took very long to really react to what Mr. Blades has been doing to me or the chairman has been doing to me. I don't want to call his name, but I have been very humble and tried my best to have worked along with what - even though it has been frustrating at times."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Are you being treated unjustly?"
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"I'm sure of that. I have been treated unjustly for quite some while now. Quite a bit of things have been happening. Basically, the chair seems to want to have his own way."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"This contention between the board and the administration, it has to affect the quality of education."
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"It has affected the system and if you speak to some of my teachers you will know that it has affected them quite drastically."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"So are you the problem is the board the problem?"
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"That's left to be seen, Jules."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"What will you do and what is the message to the many parents and students?"
Dr. Lorna McKay - Principal, Gwen Liz
"A storm is out there and I will go home and attend to the storm first and then I will deal with this tomorrow. There's a storm out there, I'll attend to the storm."
And while McKay didn't hand over the keys, we learned that this evening workmen were sent to change the locks. There is brief video of them leaving the compound.
We did try to get in contact with Chairman Roosevelt Blades - who told us that he would speak but that he was in consultation with his board members. Blades is the political officer for area rep and education minister Patrick Faber.
We'll keep following the story.