"All is not well with the UDP" - that's what the Deputy Leader Patrick Faber had to say today when we asked him about the prospect of Gaspar Vega running again for the UDP in Orange Walk North.
Vega, flanked by Minister John Saldivar and Minister of State Dr. Angel Campos made the blockbuster announcement one week ago in Orange Walk. That prompted Faber to post a not-so-subtle message on his Facebook saying, "I do not support or defend corruption...".
Today - in his first interview after making that eyebrow-raising post - we asked him to expand on his thoughts about a possible Vega comeback...
Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Leader - UDP
"For me, all is not necessarily well in the UDP. I think that is no secret to anybody. I am not telling any tales out of school there. There are, ah, many of us in the UDP who are not satisfied with some of what has happened, a lot of what has happened. And, ah, not to create any kind of disunity but, we have always been a party that boasts our integrity and our honesty, and where that is not found, ah, I feel, ah, compelled, to, to, ah make sure that that is flushed out."
"You're saying action to be taken against the members?"
Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Leader - UDP
"Well, I am saying that it is an internal thing for our party although, there is the government aspect, ah, we, my fight is always internally with my party to get things right."
"And if there are people who don't fit right with that kind of mentality, and that kind of setting then I oppose them being on the ticket indeed."
That clearly is a reference to Vega, and possibly even Saldivar - who Faber has clashed with separately in conventions when he vied for the post of Deputy Leader.
But, beyond old rivalries, we know that there are very deep divisions in the UDP - basically over whose hand is in the cookie jar, and whose hand is not. That resentment for the corrupt members in their ranks was put in plain view in August when Party Whip Michael Finnegan told us this at the end of the house meeting:..
Hon. Michael Finnegan, UDP Party Whip
"Mr. Vega probably have company, because a lot of them out of the 31 don't belong in the house any at all."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"But that includes your members sir."
Hon. Michael Finnegan, UDP Party Whip
"I said lots of them don't belong in the house out of the 31. That's an answer."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"18 of the 31?"
Hon. Michael Finnegan, UDP Party Whip
"That's a satisfying answer - lot of the 31 don't belong in the house."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"It's a shocking one. Thank you sir."